
Showing posts from January, 2018

Video: How do you see that Hizb ut Tahrir have developed since 1970s? | Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Malkawi

Scandinavia: How do you see that Hizb ut-Tahrir have developed since 1970s? By: Dr. Muhammad Malkawi (Abu Talha) Copenhagen, 30 January 2015

Q&A: Judging Between Non-Muslims in the Islamic State

Question: Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu , Can you please explain why the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم gave exception to the Arab Polytheists from the Kuffar of Yemen to remain in their religion? Can we consider this exception regarding the Arab Polytheists a restriction to what is general as what is mentioned in the book, The Islamic State, (Arabic version, 7th edition, page 144; English version, page 139): “These people will be left alone and there is no interference with their beliefs or their worship” the two categories are the people of the Book and the Polytheists? And also a restriction to what is mentioned in Introduction to the Constitution of the Islamic State, Article 27, Section B, or is this exception is specific to that generation only? I would like to add another question related to what is stated in the book, The Islamic State (Arabic version, 7th edition page 144; English version p. 140): “The State will appoint a judge from their own people to settle the...

Dr Abdul Wahid – How free is free speech ? – London School Of Economics (LSE)

Dr Abdul Wahid – How free is free speech ? – London School Of Economics (LSE)

Series of interviews with the families of Hizb ut Tahrir members who are still being tortured in the prisons of Uzbekistan by the orders of the tyrant Islam Karimov

Series of interviews with the families of Hizb ut Tahrir members who are still being tortured in the prisons of Uzbekistan by the orders of the tyrant Islam Karimov How long will this ordeal last? F irst Interview: The wife of Brother Abdul Ghani narrates her suffering to us: Her husband Abdul Ghani Tichabayev was born on 14/9/1971 in the city of Margilan. He holds an intermediate certificate and he is a father of three children. At the beginning of 1997, he started to become active with the political Islamic party called Hizb ut Tahrir. In the second month of the year 2000, he was arrested by sectors of the Uzbek Interior Ministry. He was sentenced to nine years imprisonment and was transferred with a group to a detention centre called Topuksoi in the city of Tashkent. During my visits to my husband in these areas, the families and I were witness to those cruel and inhuman conditions were my husband stayed. Even the waiting rooms where the families sit during the cold and heat had no ...

The presence of political awareness within the Ummah protects her from collapse

Ar-Raayah Newspaper The presence of political awareness within the Ummah protects her from collapse Abu Hamzah Al-Khatawaani 22/04/15 In the case where political awareness means viewing the world from a specific angle, its existence within the Ummah means the existence of the greatest weapon that protects it from falling and collapse. This is because this political awareness consists of two matters that are of extreme importance and these are: The world view and the specific angle. As for the world view then this includes within it all assumed enemies whether these are present within the Muslim regions like the Jewish State in the Middle-East or States like America and the rest of powerful and ambitious colonial States or local States which are clients and agents to the major powers. The comprehensive view of all of the active powers in the world provides the Ummah with essential knowledge which aids it to not only protect itself alone but also assists her to extend, expand and spread ...

Q&A: Discretionary Punishment (At-Ta’zir): Its Details and Rulings

Question: Assalamu alaikum, bless you our Sheikh and Ameer and may we blessed with you, the Answer had the following sentence: “As it has legalized discretionary penalty and showed the details of its rulings and its types”, so what are these details of its rulings and types? From Naser Rida Mohammad Othman Answer: Your question is about a text that came from an answered question dated 02/01/2015, being: “As for the discretionary penalties, which are punishments on sins that the Shari’ didn’t specify for them any set punishment, but it was left to be decided by the Imam or the judge… they are rules of the method, and since the Shari’ didn’t specify the punishment, this doesn’t mean at all that it has not placed the method of executing the Shariah rulings when punishing those who do not commit to them discretionally,  as it has legalized discretionary penalties and showed the details of its rulings and its types … and it left to the Imam only to choose among the types of punishm...

Q&A: The Land Title Deed and Its Benefit

Question: Assalaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu, I would like to raise a question in relation to land, which is: What is the difference between the land in which the title and benefit is for the individual, and the land in which benefits are for the individual and its title for the state? May Allah reward you. From: Umm Musab Al Jaabari Answer: Wa Alaikum Assalaam Wa Ramatullah Wa Barakaatuhu There is no difference between the ‘Ushri and Kharaji land, they are similar except in two aspects: The owner of the ‘Ushri land owns the land itself and benefit, and the owner of the Kharaji land owns only its benefit and does not own its title. As a result of this, the owner of the ‘Ushri land if s/he wants to endow the land s/he owns, he can do it any times he wants, because he owns its property that is its neck. As if the owner of the Kharaji wants to endow the land that he owns he cannot, because the Endowment (الوقف) requires for the one who wants to endow it, that he owns it to endo...