Q&A: Latest Political Developments in Uzbekistan
Recently on 27/08/2015 the American Assistant Secretary of State for the Affairs of Central Asia visited Uzbekistan. A month prior to that on 27/07/2015 the Chief of the United States Central Command of the Armed Forces visited Uzbekistan whilst more than a month before that on 12/06/2015 the General Secretary of the UN visited Uzbekistan… Are these successive visits an evidence of the consolidation and assuredness in respect to the strength of the American-Uzbek relations or an evidence of weakness and absence of assuredness which has lead America to intensify these visits in order to strengthen the relationship out of fear that Russia will exploit this weakness and increase its influence in Uzbekistan? This is part of the question and the second part is related to the tyrant’s daughter and Russia. After it was publicised that she would inherit her father’s rule, the rule of the tyrant was then extended once again whilst she is being kept under house arrest. Does that mean that she has a connection to Russia which was discovered and as a result was placed under house arrest or are there other reasons? Please excuse me for the divergence of the question and I urge an answer even if the events in the Middle East are more pressing. It is however important and influential in respect to its region. JazaakAllahu Khairan…
There is no censure against you, we will answer you Inshaa’Allah:
Firstly: Subject of the visits
To answer this we will present these visits and the purpose that was announced for them in addition to what lies behind this purpose or objective:
1 – Daniel Rosenblum the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Central Asia during his visit to the Uzbek capital Tashkent made a statement to the press in which he said: “The United States requested that Uzbekistan join the international alliance and to fight against the extreme Daesh organisation”. And he said: “The coalition that the United States leads and which bombs elements of the State’s organisation inside Syria and Iraq has a military element, this is in addition to the efforts that are aimed at preventing the influx of funding to the terrorists. The coalition gathers information about the movements of people across the borders and its efforts includes five or six other trajectories, and that Uzbekistan or any other state can choose to participate in one or more of these elements” (Reuters 27/08/2015).
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