“Do not incline towards the Oppressors”
'And do not incline towards the oppressors, or you will be burned by the Fire, and you will not have any protectors aside from Allah, and you will not be helped.” [11:113]
According to Al-Zamakhshari – the great scholar of Arabic, Hadeeth, and Tafseer who died in 1143 CE – as well as Al-Shawkani – the great Mujtahid who died 1834 CE – may Allah’s mercy be upon them both, the “inclination” mentioned in this Ayah is referring to approving of the transgressions of an oppressor, to show consent towards their ways, to express approval before them or others, to co-operate with them in their oppression, to befriend them, to visit them, or to physically resemble them.
Ibn Abbas (ra) elaborated, “Do not incline toward them with love, nor soften your speech with them and show kindness.” Al-Suddi (rh) and Ibn Sayd (rh) said, “Do not flatter the tyrants.” Ikrama (rh) said, “Leaning toward love of them is when you obey them and show affection to them.”
Abu Aliyah (rh) said, “Do not be pleased with their deeds.”
Who are the oppressors?
Ibn Abbas (ra) said, “The oppressors can be both Muslims and non-Muslims, because the meaning is in the generality of the words and not in the specific cause of revelation.”
Al-Zamakhshari (rh) adds, “Mere inclination (towards the oppressors) is forbidden!” He also writes that once the Khaleefah Al-Muwaffaq Billah was praying behind an Imam who recited this verse and he fainted during its recitation. When asked what happened, he said, “Allah threatened those who incline towards those who do wrong. Then what about the wrong doers themselves?”
Al-Zamakhshari (rh) gives this verse much more detailed and serious attention. He reports that Sufyan Al-Thawri (rh) – one of the great Tabi’een – said, “There is a valley in Hell where none will live but the scholars who visited the rulers.” May Allah (swt) protect us from such an end!
Al-Awza’i (rh) said, “There is nothing more hateful to Allah than a scholar visiting the rulers.”
Muhammad bin Maslamah (rh) said, “A fly sitting on excrement is better than one knocking at the doors of these people.” He means the rulers.
Hasan Al-Basri (rh) said: “Allah made the religion between the two prohibitions of: don’t transgress and don’t incline.”
It is also reported that a tailor asked Hasan Al-Basri (rh): “I stitch the clothes of the ruling class. Will I be counted as ‘those inclined towards them?’” Hasan replied, “No. You will not be counted among those who inclined towards them. Rather, you are one of them!”
Scholars accounting one another
“May Allah protect us and you, O Al-Zuhri. You have entered a state in which it is right that those who know you should pray for Allah’s mercy for you. You have grown into old age in a state that Allah has made you weighty with the knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah. But what you are doing now is not the pact that Allah has taken from the scholars. Allah (saw) said: ‘So that you may make it plain to the people and not conceal it.’ [3:187]
You should know that the least you have done, and the least you have borne the burden of, is that you have lessened the uneasiness of the transgressors, making it easier for them to continue in their wrongful ways. This is because your closeness to one of them was not for the sake of administering justice or giving up a wrong when he took you close to himself. They have taken you as a pole to use you as the axis of their wrongs and as a bridge to use to go over you to their iniquities, and a ladder to climb over you to their errors. Through you, they will now place a question mark on other scholars, and misguide the commoners by you. Whatever they gave you is much less than what they destroyed in you. They took away from you more of your religion than they gave you. So, do not feel safe from the verse that says: ‘Then came after them generations who missed the prayers and followed their lusts. So soon they will meet with destruction.’ [19:59]
Indeed you are dealing with One who is not ignorant, nor neglectful, and watches over you. So look for a cure for this disease that has entered your religion, and prepare your provision, for the long journey is about to begin. ‘And nothing on the earth nor in the skies is hidden from Allah.’ And Salam upon you.”
To the scholars and the people of knowledge!
The pious scholars who were afraid of associating with the rulers lived in a time when those rulers implemented Islam. What, then, is our case when we live in a time when no ruler in the Muslim lands implements Islam at all? Instead they implement a Deen other than Allah’s (swt). Therefore, we must put as much distance as possible between them and ourselves!
Islam did not stop at merely commanding us not to incline towards the oppressors, but also commanded and obligated upon our Ummah to account them with the truth.
It is narrated in Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn Maja that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler.”
And Abu Umamah (ra) said that the Messenger of Allah (swt) was asked at the Jamraat (of Hajj): “O Messenger of Allah, which Jihad is best? The Prophet (saw) remained silent. When the Prophet (saw) had thrown the second stone he asked him again but he was silent again. Then when the Prophet (saw) had thrown the last stone and had placed his foot in the stirrup to ride away, the Prophet (saw) said, ‘Where is the questioner?’ So he said, ‘I am here O Messenger of Allah’. He (saw) said, ‘The word of truth that is said to (or in the presence of) the oppressive ruler)’.”
So take note and do not incline towards the oppressors by showing sympathy or approval of their wrongdoing through either your words or your actions. Speak only the truth to them in accordance with Islam and demand only the truth from them in accordance with Islam, and take lessons of courage and steadfastness in this regard from your pious predecessors.
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