For What Sin Was Aylan killed?

“And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked, for what sin she was killed.” [TMQ 81:8-9]

The tragic image of Aylan Kurdi has become the face of the current refugee crisis that is being termed by a former UN official as the biggest “refugee crisis following World War II”. Some estimate that 3,000 people are becoming refugees on a daily basis. These refugees are predominantly Muslims whose life, honor, and livelihood has been violated by the situation created by the colonial powers who occupied the Muslim lands on the eve of the First World War and divided them into pieces that they called “countries”. They then installed puppets who were willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the sake of keeping their power and pleasing their masters. When the people in the Muslim lands tried to free themselves from this reality the colonial powers and their puppets punished them severely as seen in Syria and elsewhere.   

Aylan and his family fled from Syria, ruled by the brutal Assad regime.  This colonial puppet is one of the rulers whose relationship with the Ummah is described in the following hadith of RasulAllah (saw):

“…and the worst of your imams [rulers] are those whom you hate and they hate you and you curse them and they curse you.” [Muslim]

Consequently, it is not Europe’s failure, America’s failure, or Canada’s failure. Rather it is the failure of the Muslim rulers who betrayed their amaanah (trust). These corrupt rulers closed the borders in the face of these refugees. They kept them in concentration camps on the borders, rather than receiving them as people who came from one part of the Muslim world to another part of the Muslim world. However, these rulers are more focused on conspiring against the Ummah, saving their thrones and wealth, and propping up the colonial powers with their petrodollars and other wealth that they have stolen from the Ummah! 
It is critical to consider why these refugees are choosing European countries over Muslim countries. As reported by BBC, “one Facebook user (European) wrote: We will tell our children that Syrian migrants fled their country to come to Europe when Mecca and Muslim lands were closer to them.” This absurd situation arises due to draconian immigration laws that these Muslims states have enacted to keep themselves in their indulgent and decadent state of affairs. Germany, on the other hand, eased regulations and announced that they will take in 800,000 refugees. In contrast, there remains a deafening silence from the majority of Muslim states—while, even the ones who take in these refugees fail to make concerted efforts to integrate them as equals into society. How long have Palestinians been refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere? For over 50 years!!! This is in sharp contrast to the Ottoman Khilafah who in the 15th century – not only took in Jewish refugees fleeing European persecution – but also enabled them to flourish under Islamic rule.

The Muslim Ummah must do more and heed the call for help coming from our brothers and sisters. They face either death or despair and they have no one but Allah (swt) to shelter them. As an Ummah, this is a test of our commitment to obey Allah (swt) and answer His call to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, especially the powerful and the influential among us.

RasulAllah (saw) was reported to have said:
''Nay, by Allah, you have to enjoin the good and forbid the wrong, and restrain the hand of the tyrant, and to force him on the truth and to confine him to the truth, otherwise Allah will be about to strike the hearts of some of you against others, then He will curse you as He cursed them’ [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]

And what will the rulers of the Muslim states say in front of Allah (swt)? Will Erdogan, Turkey’s President, say that he was busy making sure he is re-elected in order to implement America’s plan for Syria? Will Salman, the Saudi King, say that he was busy suppressing Muslims at home and aiding anti Islam forces in Syria? Will Sisi, the Egyptian President, say that he was busy crushing Muslims and aiding the Assad regime with arms and military support? Will Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Emir of Dubai, say that he was busy promoting vices at home and be the first to sponsor idol worship in the Arabian Peninsula after Islam cleaned it out? Will the Ulema say that they were busy singing praises of rulers and could not find time to account these rulers to protect the honour and dignity of Muslims? Will the leaders of the Muslim armed forces say that they were too busy protecting the interests of the colonialist over the pressing needs of the Muslims?

For What Sin was Aylan killed?
As we know in Islam, children die sinless and have no accountability. However, when we look at the bigger picture the sin that weighs upon us is that we have not raised from among us a ruler who will implement Islam, stop this tragedy and protect the people. RasulAllah (saw) has made it an obligation on us to have bayah for an imam:

“‘Whoso takes off his hand from allegience (bayah) to Allah (swt) will meet him on the Day of Resurrection without having any proof for him, and whoso dies while there was no allegiance on his neck [to an Imam] dies a death of the days of ignorance[Muslim]

Consequently, as an Ummah we have to do what we can to lend a hand to these people. However, we should work equally hard to get this sin of our neck and ensure that the Rightly Guided Khilafah is re-established in the Muslim world, which will implement Islam and give sanctuary to Muslims and non-Muslims fleeing disasters in the lands destroyed by Capitalist wars and exploitation.

All Muslims who have been touched deeply by this tragedy should realize that there is no short cut to stop this calamity and others like this except by working tirelessly to re-establish authority for the Deen-e-Islam again. The Prophet Mohammed (saw) emphasized the issue of Khalifah (Imam) as being a protection for all the Muslims in the following hadith:

“Only the Imam is a shield, behind whom you fight and you protect yourself with…” [Muslim]

May Allah (swt) grant Aylan, his family and all the refugees that die on this journey jannathul firdous. May He (swt) replace these treacherous rulers with the Khilafah on the way of Nabuwah that will not spare any resource to protect the lives of people. Ameen.


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